
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

d100 - Buildings & Businesses

You’ve respectfully installed your mandatory Tavern and Temple, as well as the ubiquitous Blacksmith/Bloodbath & Beyonde, but what are all those other buildings that make up the rest of the Village? Here’s a handy d100 table for this kind of pastoral planning. I couldn’t resist the urge to sneak in a few Village Vignettes while I was at it 😊.

Monday, January 3, 2022

d100 - Fancy Furnishings & Fusty Fittings

One can never have enough ideas for room dressing and decoration. I tend to treat even those “Empty” rooms when stocking as an opportunity to convey a bit of background or provide some potential resources/tools for canny Players to exploit. Seldom is such a room actually “Empty” as in utterly swept bare, wall-to-wall, with nary a dust bunny or fixture in sight. “Empty” to me just means devoid of Monster, Trap, Treasure, or Special.

After a few individuals reached out to me asking if I had any tables for Furniture (to gussy up Haunted Manor Houses and such), I figured I could whip something together that might be useful. Here’s a quick table with a bit more than 100 different ideas, as well as some positive/negative adjectives that might spruce up descriptions a bit. Although this is geared more for home furnishings, I’d be just as likely to try and use this with Dungeon Dressing honestly, and sometimes like to try to use the randomly generated contents of a room to try and interpret its function (prior or otherwise) when stocking.

These might even be extended and embellished a bit further with some of the entries on my Jewelry Generator or Table of Smells, and I might eventually throw together a perchance generator for them.