
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

They certainly don't make them like they used to...

I've been lax with the posting as of late. RC Hacks will continue eventually. In the meantime I've been playing as much as I possibly can, and the good news is it's mostly Classic.

One of my co-workers found out that I play Dungeons & Dragons. She also played quite a bit of OD&D and 1st Edition in the mid-to-late seventies.

She brought in all the miniatures that she still has, most of which she painstakingly painted and kindly let me photograph for posterity.

If you can identify any of the figures, please don't hesitate to comment. Wherever possible I have included any intelligible markings I found on the bases.

For Scale is an old Quadrille Pad (6 squares per inch).

Enjoy! The Slideshow skips some Amazon warriors that were marked moderately/potentially risqué.


  1. Those are some neat old metal minis. Even though my miniatures collecting is largely wargame-based these days, I wouldn't mind using minis casually for RPGs now and then. I've always found though that my toughest issue is getting minis for PCs (who are always an eclectic bunch) that match their characters, and having enough varied minis to represent all the monsters you're going to throw at them.

  2. I've always found though that my toughest issue is getting minis for PCs (who are always an eclectic bunch) that match their characters, and having enough varied minis to represent all the monsters you're going to throw at them.

    The few times we tried to do minis with our RPGs, we always got around the first issue by picking out the figure first, then designing a character to fit the miniature. The second issue is what always derailed things in the end.

  3. The first guy is Ral Partha's "Death Dealer" on foot (based on the Frazetta paintings). The skeleton with the flag is Grenadier. The gobliny guy with a bent polearm is Minifigs. The goblin archer is Ral Partha. The red wizard is Grenadier, as is the blond chick with a short sword pointed at her knee. The next two axemen are a Ral Partha (elf lord and anti-paladin). The puritan and short barbarian are Ral Partha. The kneeling cleric and magic-user with want and orb are Grenadier. The knight with a flat bucket helm is Ral Partha. The Drow elf with a mace and cat-o-nine tails is Grenadier. The swashbuckler lady is RP. The orc standard bearer is Heritage. Lady with axe is RP; assassin is Asgard. Dwarf with winged helm is RP. I recognize some others; probably all the ones with rectangular bases are Minifigs.
    See my recent posts on old school figures at Swords & Dorkery for some links to identificaiton aids.
