
Monday, March 19, 2018

Landmark and Encounter Placement within Hexagons

The standard Hexagon can be sub-divided into twelve lozenges/rhombi. This makes it very easy to simply roll 1d12 to place an item within the interior of a hex. The illustration below is numbered 1 to 12 (in a manner evoking the standard clock face) to illustrate this:

Another interesting side-effect of this tessellation is the creation of six additional overlapping Hexagons (each composed of 3 lozenges). These also each form an optical illusion of a cube:

These cubes could be used to accommodate/house larger, lozenge-spanning encounters/landmarks. The “3D” effect almost seems to imply that they could be useful to provide a rough guide/indicator of the highest/lowest points of elevation within a given hex.

This pattern/design was used in floor tiling within the Siena Cathedral in Italy:

I'm fairly sure quilters have been using innovative methods of tessellation to create hexagons for ages. 

This is not the only way to sub-divide a hex into uniform sections (although with 9 subsections, it's a little less useful with the standard dice, but the center sub-hex is interesting, and it's subdivisions can be rotated):

And of course, the more prosaic right-triangle “wedges:”

Some of this may go into my Expanded Wilderness Hexes document at some point. Once I finish up the "landmark" tables and polish up some additional wilderness navigation procedures.

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