
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

TROIKA! Backgrounds for Gorgon Trail

Psst...I’ve started whipping up 36 Gorgon Trail Backgrounds for TROIKA!

This is a living document, that I’ll be adding to as I get some free time, so check back for updates!


  1. I don't know if said this last time, but (a) I really like "Gorgon Trail" as a name, and (b) I'm enjoying your highly-fantastical take on the Western genre. Barbwire leylines, for example, are awesomely weird and magical. Troika seems like a good fit for the mood you're establishing.

  2. This project is on a hiatus that is about to end, right? Because these backgrounds are too good to leave in a half-completed state! Hoping to see more Gorgon Trail soon!

  3. Two more years without a map of the whole of the Gorgon Trail. Those folks must have been taken by raiders of lost in the high peaks. We'll say a prayer and trust in their deliverance.

    1. Ha! I do need to get back to this eventually at some point and put it together as a Zine.

    2. I'll keep an ear to the ground for it!
