
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

OSE Encounter Activities - Driver Ant

Driver Ants!

These Myrmicine Monsters are easy to model, as Ant Behavior is something most people are familiar with. Although thankfully not present in the hundreds of thousands that you’d find in a typical anthill, I still like to borrow heavily from the natural world and give them a Queen, eggs, and larvae to tend to.

Since seeds and grain are probably not enough to sustain and feed a colony of critters this large (six foot ants!), I also imagine that, like Leaf Cutter Ants, they cultivate a variety of Fungi to feed on within their underground layers. This also gives you an excuse to come up with some interesting mushrooms and their effects!

If you find yourself in need of a quick “Giant Ant” mound for your players to explore, I made some contributions to Hex Describe that seem to handle them fairly well (although I’d definitely like to revisit the tables here again to incorporate some of the the brainfood that this Encounter Activity table might provide). This link should provide you with ten [giant ant lairs] relatively instantaneously.

Hope you have as much fun with these Formic Foes as they were to write up!

1 comment:

  1. For more six-legged ant-based fun, you could check out my procedural adventure about exploring a giant ant colony:

