
Sunday, March 24, 2024

d100 - So You’ve Been Brought Back From The Dead...

Certain magnificent Magics and marvelous Miracles make it possible to return a dead Character to Play in these games. In some games, this process is pretty perfunctory: Simply locate your Local Lama and acquire a casting of Raise Dead within the Time Limit. Then after a mandatory two-week recuperation period (during which the Character is hardly in a state for Adventure: with only a solitary Hit Point, half movement, no carrying capacity, they cannot attack, and are unable to use Spells or other Class Abilities) the revivified is right as rain.

Later, when the Players gain access to these Spells through their own Resources, it tends to further emphasize that this Death is merely a speed bump, a temporary set-back with a well-earned vacation perhaps, but the Character will be back in no time.

I have always thought it might be more interesting if the process left a little mark here and there on those who underwent something so significant, so here is a table of one hundred potentially interesting concomitants for that process. These might work a little like Curses (and this could even work alongside that dreaded Energy Drain as well, q.v. my Rumored Cures for more on this) and have their own Durations or Required Deeds to overcome, or they could become a permanent part of the Character in a way (some more of that lovely “Foreground Growth.”) I think in creative hands, a few of these could even be spun into Boons with the right application or in certain situations. I tend to prefer that sort of “Drawback” after all.


  1. This table offers a variety of intriguing ideas, adding more background and uniqueness to resurrected characters. They can introduce new challenges and difficulties, as well as provide opportunities for character development. I particularly appreciate this approach because it makes the resurrection of characters more meaningful and profound.

  2. A lovely d100 table (as they typically are). 18, 21, 24, 43, 47, 65, 66, 95 are my favorites. Thank you for this (and the other) table(s)!

  3. bro...

    i'm running out of words. thank you,

  4. Wonderful stuff, great job, thank you!
