
Saturday, December 28, 2024

d100 – Bastion Boons & Helpful Holdings

As Promised, here is a Random Table of events to complement the one I completed Prior for Stronghold Struggles & Castle Hassles. Setting up a Stronghold should have some Windfalls associated with it after all, and I enjoy how some of these entries almost read like “Headlines.” In addition to serving as a Place to safeguard/store those hard-earned Treasures, by Default in my games, they also tend interface well with the Six “Rs” of Downtime:

  • Rest/Recuperation
  • Research
  • Retainers
  • Rumor Mongering
  • Revelry
  • Re-supplying

But it’s always nice to have a blend of positive results to compliment any negatives, otherwise Players can quickly grow discouraged having invested so much in something that only seems to bring sorrow or inconvenience. Rolling on either one at Intervals might inject something interesting into the otherwise hum-drum day-over-day Duties. I tend to prefer to handle this on a Seasonal Basis, and in fact, my initial tinkerings had this presented as a more “Seasonal” affair (with Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter Tables.) Perhaps I might revisit this one and its counterpart for that kind of arrangement at some point in the future, but with two hundred entries between them, I suppose this could potentially handle about half century of Domain Management! For even more items of potential interest/overlap there is also my Haven Happenstances table.


  1. Would you use this in lieu of the bastion events in the DMG?

    1. I suppose one potentially could, or one could use either table to *augment* them a bit as if I recall, that Table is *pretty sparse* in terms of detail.
      Perhaps these are something that can show up or be *hinted at* on the more frequent "Nothing Significant Happens" results.
