Managed to squeeze a pair of d100 Tables into this one. Occasionally, I find myself at a loss for a way to distinguish a specific Foe or NPC from another, and I find that embellishing their Armaments or Armor is sometimes enough to help this resonate with the Players. Particularly in Theatre of the Mind Combat Situations, having a distinctive feature for each participant can really help keep everyone on the same page and close some of those gaps that can develop.
These Two Tables are divided into sections of Ten as well, so this provides a little bit of granularity should more specificity be needed, or even a way to “Overload” a single d100: Roll one for the Weapon, then use the 1s/10s place or “reverse” it for the Armor Table.
I could not resist including some less onventional Weapons here, and some of the Armor is a bit more on the fanciful side rather than cleaving to Historical Accuracy, but hopefully it at least provides a bit of inspiration!
I love your work. I’ll definite this one soon.