When Stocking Dungeons, we sometimes turn to using Dice to Randomly Generate the Room Contents. In B/X and its successors, we’re presented with this lovely little table to help us with this process:
With a few quick throws of some six-sided dice, we’re able to get a rough idea of those Room Contents!
I’ve committed this table to memory at this point (I use it in my Wilderness Stocking Procedures as well, just slightly re-skinned) but one thing always irked me slighty: The “wasted opportunity” hiding in that “Chance of Treasure” Roll. It would be much more preferable if instead of a binary yes/no, that roll could give us a little something more.
After thinking about this for a bit, I came up with the following Table. This utilizes both of the dice rolled (in that lovely d36 method) to get a little more granular while preserving the same results as the table above. With the additional combinations it exposes, my hope is for it to serve as a bit of a “Helper” or “Oracle” and provide some additional inspiration/ideas for the results. I often find myself looking toward certain additional Random Tables I’ve created for this in various ways, so I’ve linked some of them here to make them accessible with a quick click. During the Process, I even spotted a few new opportunities for some additional d100 Tables and added those to my growing Dev List. 🤣
Random Stocking can provide a wonderful “Starting Point” sometimes and it remains the backbone behind my “20 Minute Dungeons” and the Dolmenwood Dozen Project I put together recently. It’s always interesting to me how that initial idea produced can sometimes spawn interesting connections or situations once the results are assembled together and presented in context.
So, without further ado, here’s the Expanded Dungeon Stocking Table. I’d love to hear if you find it useful when digging those Dungeons and would be excited to see what it shakes out for you! There may even be a similar tool/resource for Wilderness Stocking in the pipeline as well!
I'm also an adherent to the original b/x table - I like this expansion, as tend to be a bit mundane unless I'm specifically using the space to add to the adventure locale's story.