Feather Fall Charm
You can
cast this spell on a specially prepared charm (requires the feather
of a beast with at least 4 HD, [so that's where Owlbears come
from!]). The feather functions as a “Feather Fall” spell, most
of the time. When utilized by others, the charms have a chance of
being insufficiently powered at the most inopportune times (better
have a backup, they do stack). If you are falling and have this spell
prepared, this is never an issue. You gently gloat/float all the way
to rest at the bottom (if there is one), or can expend this spell to
have a companion's charm (within line of sight) work in this fashion
as well. Otherwise, the Charms still work some of the time:
treat all falls as 1d6 x 10' less. You start play with 1d6. (you know
they don't work when sold,
only when given away, but others don't necessarily know that).
Dagger Feature: Flying
While you
have this spell prepared, extend the ranges of thrown daggers by 20
feet. If you expend the spell, a dagger you've thrown in the last day
will return to you (it must be able to physically traverse the
space). You're also great at juggling them if you concentrate (not
during combat, please).
Language: Air Elemental
You can
speak the sibilant syllables necessary to communicate with creatures
of Air. They are extremely impressed with your diction (+2 to
reaction rolls) and call you “brother,” “sister,” or
“sibling” (determine randomly per Elemental, they aren't too good
at telling mammals apart). Earth Elementals view you with suspicion
(-2 to reaction rolls).
Gainful Portaging
If you have
this spell prepared and spend 1d6 turns helping someone or yourself
carefully pack their equipment, you can reduce encumbrance by 100cns
(10 lbs.) or 1 significant item's worth. These convoluted methods do
make the items harder to retrieve however (it takes 1d10 rounds more
than normal), so be mindful of what you stow away.
5. Spell
Book Feature: Buoyant
While this
spell is prepared, your spell book floats on water, and can levitate
about 4 feet off the ground for study. It engenders no encumbrance.
It cannot support more than a pound of weight, but you can choose to
have it follow you around mysteriously draped in a sheet if you are
so inclined.

Eckert sculpts fantastic things out of solid wood.

Familiar Feature: Light as Feather
If you
acquire a familiar, it is inscrutably “weightless,” extremely
quiet, and completely uninterested in food or drink. It doesn't
“float” exactly, it just doesn't exert any downward force. You
can cast this spell to transfer these properties onto yourself for
1d6 turns, but when you do your familiar “weighs” as much as you.
It also becomes extremely hungry and noisy.
Tattle-Tale Lock
You can
cast this spell on a specially prepared Lock (inset with a gem valued
at least 50gp, and engraved with your name), and for 1d6 days the
lock can speak, and remembers everyone who passed through a portal or
container that the lock is affixed to (and the means or methods they
used, if important). You may have as many of these locks active at a
given time as your HLSS.
2. Spell
Book Feature: For Your Eyes Only/Privacy Please
Your spell
book can only be opened by you. Seriously. It's just a plank of wood
to everyone/everything else as long as you have this spell prepared.
I wonder if your spell book can be opened if you die with this spell
prepared? If you expend this spell prior to preparing your spells,
you may choose to have all portals/doors within 50 feet of you,
sealed as the Spell (normal duration).
3. Jar
of Friendly Earseekers
You have a
jar of 1d4 friendly Earseekers. You need to feed them (insert them in
your ear, they consume one happy or sad memory), but they can be sent
into any door and will report back on what is on the other side (they
tell you when you put them back in your ear and reward them with a
quick snack). Sadly they only live on this lighter fare for about a
year (unless you can find them more substantial cuisine, you monster,
you). Earseekers leave a very distinct territorial pheromone in their
friends, so you are immune to them and can harvest them from doors
with impunity. This makes a lot of noise, and takes 1d6 turns of
gouging and cajoling them out of their current door.

peckish. Can I have a nibble on your first kiss?”
Language: Mimic
You can
speak the pidgin and ever-changing language of Mimics. + 2 to
reaction rolls with Mimics, shift results up by one category if they
are in the form of a door when encountered. If you have this spell
prepared you are immune to their sticky pseudopodia.
River's voice: “Can we talk?”
Puzzle Box
You possess
the necessary skills to manufacture puzzle boxes that are extremely
difficult to open (taking your level x 1d6 hours to open without
magic). They are very valuable to the right collector. You can expend
this spell, and if you can concentrate for 1d6 turns, you can pick
one, and you know exactly where it is (on the same plane of
existence, natch). They take about 1d6 weeks to make and around 50
gold pieces.
Familiar Feature: Passdoor
– When you
acquire a familiar, you can expend this spell and your familiar gains
the ability to pass through a single non-magically sealed/closed door
or other mundane portal for 1d6 turns. It dines luxuriously on locks
and keys, and is almost too chummy with thieves.
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