post for explanations and more information.

So as a Spell
Feature: While this spell is prepared, you may spend 1 turn to
Detect Magic. Simple, and it makes the spell perform a bit of
a double duty, enhancing it's appeal somewhat.
Also every Magic-User
may choose to start with 1d6 vials of Scroll Ink. This
ink cuts the cost of scribing a scroll in half, or it may be drunk by
the very desperate.
If you dare drink, save versus poison or die in
1d6 hours, castings of Neutralize Poison will only stave off death by
an 1d6 additional hours and do not offer additional saving throws,
additional quaffs of ink require another save, but will also reset
the duration to another throw of 1d6 hours. Only a Wish or similar
high order magics can prevent death in this fashion.
consuming Scroll Ink, you may re-prepare all your spells in 1d6 turns
without the need for rest. Spells prepared this way leave your spell
book and must be re-transcribed before they can be prepared again.
The drawbacks and benefits of Scroll Ink usually only apply to
the user who created the ink, although you are welcome to try and
poison other Magic-Users with your ink. You are assumed to be
casually collecting and briefly brewing the necessary reagents for
HLSS vial(s) of Scroll Ink per level, but coming across a hogshead of
Kraken Blue, a few gills of Gorgon Green, or a dram of Dragon's Blood
during one's adventuring might stimulate this manufacture.
Heraldic Gift – You have a knack or extensive learning
concerning Heraldry. You can easily identify major noble houses and
lineages (+1 reaction when dealing with those that are into this sort
of thing), you can also design your own device by spending 1d6 hours
of meticulous artistry. Any creature/monster featured in your
personal device receives a penalty to save against your spells (-2 or
Disadvantage). You may only redesign your device after slaying one of
these creatures, at which time you may incorporate a “new one.”
It seems only natural that your new heraldic device should feature an
image of a dead “old one” prominently. Mortant?
knew? There's a picture of a dead Owlbear! (from here)
Shield-Bearer Training – You can expend a casting of this Spell
and spend 1d6 turns coaching another on efficient shield use and
tactics. The armor class “bonus” provided by the shield is
doubled for their next combat encounter. You may also choose one of
the following:
shield provides a saving throw versus Magic Missile (good for HLSS
casting temporarily creates a physical Shield+1 that lasts for the
normal spell Duration.
Dagger Feature: Spell-warded Kris – As
long as you have this spell prepared, you may choose a specific spell
of a level equal to or less than your HLSS. You are immune to the
first casting of this spell that you are targeted with. You cannot
cast the specified spell while this feature is active.
an interesting etymological debate here
Elemental Ward – You know of a secret technique for channeling
this spell into small temporary talismans. Given 1d6 hours, 25 gold
in materials, and a casting of this spell, you can construct a tiny
charm that will protect a bearer against a specific elemental type of
damage (preventing your HLSS x 5 in damage for a single attack, or
granting Advantage on saves). The magic that powers these talismans
is expended when used to protect against the first attack of the
elemental type, otherwise it lasts for 1d6 weeks before dissipating.
Fire Wards will warm gloves in winter, an Ice Talisman will quickly
chill a pint of ale, etc.
5. Spell
Book Feature: Defending –
As long as you have this spell prepared and your Spell Book out and
open, facing a casting foe, a successful saving throw versus a spell
captures the spell in your spell book. You must have free pages
(spells typically take 1 page per level in my games). You may only
capture spells with levels up to your HLSS. The spell may be cast
back at the caster as a riposte on your subsequent actions, otherwise
it fades in 1d6 rounds (woefully inadequate time for transcribing
it). You may also expend this spell immediately after being targeted
by a spell to capture a spell permanently (no save required) in your
book, but a randomly determined spell of the same level leaves your
book and enters the mind of your opponent.
Familiar: Turtle – Any familiar you
acquire is exceptionally hard to hit or damage (AC = at least chain,
or 2 better if naturally lower). Selfless to a fault, your familiar
can be sacrificed (as in Shields May Be Splintered), but the
process kills the familiar and is detrimental to your health. The
gnawing sense of loss reduces your base speed by 10' feet for 1d6
weeks, after which you can acquire a new familiar and eliminate this
movement penalty.
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